August 4, Tuesday
I'm not sure where July went, or how it got to be August, but it is. Teacher work days start tomorrow. We'll be doing our professional development online. I'll be helping my team present the Canvas shell we've been working on to other 9th grade teachers. I was at school yesterday, helping out with the check out of computers and books to students. I'll go back tomorrow, to pick up swag bags to hand out to some of my new Freshmen advisory students later in the week. Kind of like what we did with the Seniors in May.
Word came out today, that Onate High School will evidently be renamed Organ Mountain High School. (I won't have to worry about not typing the nyeah n any more.) It is a controversial change, and maybe, all things considered, not the best timing. On the other hand, hopefully it is a sign of bigger changes in an area sorely needing reform. Lives of color matter.
I went into my classroom yesterday, while I was at school. I was hoping to pick up a book that I just knew right where it was. Was being the key word. They cleaned. I mean took books off the bookshelves, everything off the walls, moved all the furniture and cleaned. I didn't find my book. It was in a crate of books, with other crates of books stacked on top. Not what I was willing to deal with at that moment. I need to go back and put things into an order. I've been trying to decide whether to work from my classroom, or work from home. Several of the teachers in my hall will be there. It would be nice to have some socially distanced company. Teachers to talk over the successes and failures. Get out of the house a bit. I just have to figure out how much and which days.
I've made more masks, of course, trying to get ready to go back to school, and this happened:
before and after mask making |
OK, OK, no I didn't really used all that thread on making masks. But definitely a significant amount. Thanks to my friend, Cindy who gifted me the new one for my birthday because she knew I was worried about running out while Joann's was closed.
We had a run to the vet. Kaliegh was licking her paw a lot and we could see it was irritated, but neither Ron nor I could find a wound, a sticker, or anything. She wasn't limping, but there was something wrong. Turns out, she had stepped on
extra love needed |
something that had a stinger that got left between the pads of her foot. A tube of ointment, and a few days wearing the cone of shame and everything got better. Of course the cone of shame brought its own trauma, and Kaliegh had trouble getting past furniture, and through doorways. Getting a drink of water was even a challenge. She definitely got the extra encouragement she needed to make it through her tribulations.
The state campgrounds are all day use only, still. But we really wanted to get out in our RV. I mean, that's why we got it and all. But, we have to work within Ron's requirements for work, and stay in a certain distance of home, and such. We decided to KOA it, and made a reservation at the one in Silver City. It was clean and nice, and they are operating at less than full capacity. It was a nice couple days.
ask for a patio site
The patio was nice in the morning, and late afternoon. The first morning I was sitting outside with the dogs, and a skunk came strolling around the front end of the RV. The dogs had a moment, then the skunk had a moment, but everyone safely avoided disaster, and the skunk certainly ran with tail up, ready to blast, but he didn't! Whew! We also had some nice rain that evening, mixed with a little hail.
just for the hail of it |
We were snug in the RV, and no problem. Cooled everything off a bit, and that was nice.
But now, it's back to the salt mines. Getting to bed, so I can get up and function in the morning by 8. Glad I have a job to do. More secure in my own situation online than I would be in person. I will miss the kiddos. I will be glad when we can actually have a class full of students again. It can wait, though, until it is safe. Until we don't run such a risk of loosing some, and some teachers.