Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Shirt Challenge #4 finally!

It took me a while - too long, actually - to finish the fourth shirt. I figured out something, though. My sewing area was uncomfortably chaotic, and that made sewing there not a happy thing. So, before I could finish my shirt, I had to organize, and I did. Well, at least the sewing part of the room. THEN I could finish my shirt! And I did! So happy to have gotten a new camera for Christmas to start taking pictures again! YAY!

green paisleys on green camp shirt
No, I'm not wearing it in this photo, it is - however - hanging on the newly organized shelving. I'll put together an outfit for the first week back to school, though!

I started with a camp shirt pattern that I have had forever it seems. I have made shirts from this pattern for me, for my brother, for my dad, and I don't even know how many times I've used it. Of course I don't have a photo of the pattern, but I will, tomorrow. But for now, I'm happy to have another shirt that will make me happy to wear.

I think I still have a couple pieces of fabric in that basket still, and I would love to get another shirt in the challenge completed before school starts again. At least cut out, would be a start.

I have some other sewing goals for the coming year. I want to learn more about my serger, and how to do more with it. I would love to make an outfit from some lightweight knit that I picked up, but I've been stretching out all the knits I've tried so far. I know that it is a matter of adjustments. I signed up for a Craftsy class, and have looked at the first couple lessons so far. Part of the class is to make a stitch book, and I think that will be a really good exercise for me. One of my friends also gave me a book on serger sewing that I think will be helpful as well. I also want to work on some steampunk clothing for Wild Wild West Con, that will take place March at Old Tucson. We have had a really good time at the two previous ones, and I'm looking forward to this one as well!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gift Crafting for 2014

I usually do more makeing for Christmas than I did this year, but I still did get some in. Mostly scarves this year. In previous years, I've knitted several. This year, I started to knit, and then, I pulled it out and chose the crochet hook instead. I picked out a rather large one, so the stitching would go quickly.

The first scarf I made (and then remade as it was too wide and not long enough) was an old standby pattern. I switched it up by alternating where the pattern started and stopped, and got kind of an argyle effect, which I liked.

Merry Christmas Carl!
The next scarf was for my neice, and I picked out a varigated - self striping - yarn. I didn't want to do a bunch of single crochet I get too bored, but I also didn't want a crochet pattern to fight with the yarn. Then I thought about a texture stitch, but didn't know what to do for that. Simple solution. I looked in a book of stitches for all kinds of needlework, and found several texture stitches. They were easy and quick, and I don't know why I hadn't thought of doing that some time before now. For this scarf, I alternated single and half double crochet, and then on the return row did a single where the half double was, and vice versa. Easy peasy.

Merry Christmas, Shelbi!
I was pretty happy about how the striping turned out on the scarf, and was very pleased with this yarn. I also liked what the texture stitch added to the scarf. I hope she likes it, too!

The other scarf I made was for my long-time friend, and I didn't get a picture taken of it. It, too was a texture stitch, a basketweave kind of thing. The pattern was to alternate single crochet and chain one stitches, then on the return, single crochet in the gap made by the chain and the chain over the single crochet from the row before. It also gave a nice texture, and didn't seem hole-y, which I had wondered about before I started.

I was doubley pleased with my crochet for the season, since I got to make some gifts, and learn something, too! I will definitely be consulting my book of stitches again, and trying out some different patterns soon!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

No, I Haven't

I haven't fallen off the earth. AND, I'm making stuff. You know, stuff for Christmas. Not a lot of sewing, yet, but making. I keep hoping to post, but the camera issue is frustrating me. I can take pictures, but I can't get them electronically where I want them. And, and, and, other frustrations and feeling like I'm moving in circles with it. One step forward, two steps back. We all know the feeling.

Pictures soon. Please, please, please. And more posts with them...

Have a happy walking to the holidays season!