Sunday, October 4th
My intent is to write in this journal at least once a week. Some weeks I've been good about it, recently, not so much.
Here we are in October already. The school quarter ends on the 14th. Quickly followed by a short fall break, Halloween, election day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We have plans to camp in Silver City again, for New Years. The time, as usual at this time of year, is flying by. The days are getting shorter and it has cooled off some, though no sweaters required yet. We often don't feel the cool until Halloween.
This week President Trump announced that he had tested positive for COVID. So has his wife, and others in his circle as well. I don't wish him ill, however I am concerned that should he lose the election, things may get ugly in this country. He is - perhaps - just petulant and childish and spoiled enough not to want to hand over the White house to the next president. Then we face the choice of revolt and civil war, or becoming a different kind of country. One where a dictator can name himself leader for life. If he is fighting for his life over COVID, that may be a moot point. On the other hand, if anyone in this country is going to get the earliest, best, most up-to-date care for it that is known, it is the President.
I also feel like it is just consequence for flouting the epidemic, and mocking those who take mask precautions, and - although he also has the right to - living like it doesn't exist.
What is the old curse? May you live in interesting days. Well, the times get more and more "interesting" as they go.
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