Saturday, June 6, 2020

Social Distancing Part 32

June 6 - Saturday

The weather has entered the triple digits this week. It had it 100 before this week, but it has been HOT this week. Still getting out to walk, but trying to get out earlier, and later, so it isn't so very bad.

There was a Protest march today, down Telshor, from Lohman north to Spruce, from what I can figure out, not having seen or participated in it. (See above comments about the heat.) I'm a wuss. And I don't need to be in the heat and the sun that long, although it would have been some steps. I support the cause, and I'm glad local folks ARE willing to put their feet where their heart is. The cops blocked the intersections for about 10 minutes while the protesters were there.

I went out yesterday to deliver masks, and noticed that the traffic was lighter than it had been. Today, as well. It struck me that with the businesses opening, people had places to go, and be at work. Is that why there seem to be fewer cars out and about? 

I did have a happy moment today, driving down Solano. I saw a small plume of dirt kicked into the air, and looked for a moment to find an RC car as the cause. There was a man zooming that car through the sand in a vacant lot, jumping over bumps, and spinning. It looked like he was having a blast, and I was glad to see him play. We should all be able to play, at least for a happy moment.

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