Sunday, June 21, 2020

Social Distancing part 34

June 21, Sunday

Many people aren't socially distancing any more. They just aren't. What ever excuses they are making, it doesn't really matter, they aren't doing it. Of course the shelter in place guidelines are opening up as well. We can't keep to them forever. The world gotta move. It just does. Still, I'm not ready to face all those people who just don't thing the pandemic is real. Who don't think it is going to affect THEM. I want to go eat out at a restaurant, but I'm not doing it. I want to get together with a big group of friends, but I'm not doing that either. 

I suppose I should have titled these entries Pandemic 2020 or something, but Social Distancing seemed the thing at the time, and we certainly were. It will be sort of habitual for many of us for a while.

Well, on to journal stuff, I guess. Our new refrigerated air unit got installed on Friday. Whew! There was a whole lot of not doing much going on here while it was so hot in the house. I did a lot of cross stitch, let me tell you. In fact, I can show you:

One sixth finished - 3 panels of 18

Can you tell it's The Last Supper? I'm doing it by request, and it is going to take me a while to work my way through it (like more than just this year).

I haven't been doing a lot of sewing lately, as the craft room is one of the warmer rooms. The whole A/C system will have a mini split in the craft room and one in the computer room which can be operated independently of the main unit, but they are not in the house yet. Instead I've been doing the cross stitch, and sorting through my school papers, projects, etc to get ready for next year.

Tomorrow will be my first day working with a group of teachers to put together a module for 9th graders on Canvas. I am pretty much a novice with Canvas, so it will be a good learning experience for me, and one of my goals is to include options in the module to work with my honors classes next year. I hope we will include a range of activities for ALL students, really. And, while I really, really want to work on a very cool Mythology unit that is in my head, I am going to follow some leads here, and not make this about me. In fact, I may work on that Unit for 2021 beginning of school. I want to contribute to the group effort, not take it over. I want to see how the Canvas Module will work for teachers, as well as students. There will be a scope and sequence that we need to work within, and I intend to support that.

I guess I'll end with what I probably should have lead with. It is Father's Day today. I miss my own father (my mom, too), he wasn't perfect, but he was pretty awesome at some pretty important things. We will celebrate with Ron tomorrow, when he has time to enjoy and doesn't have to rush off to work. Father's Day is cherry season, y'all. If you like to go get some fresh, or even go pick your own...

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