Sunday, August 25, 2013

More Than Sewing - Finished Cross Stitch Project

One of my projects that has been sitting around patiently waiting for me to add a stitch here and cross a stitch there is this one that I finished over the weekend.

It is not huge or complicated. Perfect for working on with the TV on. It is one of a set of six I've slowly been getting through. I'm waiting on finishing them all for framing so that it can be more unified. Raine wants them. Not sure if she REALLY wants them or just that she likes to get what I make. Either way, she will probably end up with them. They will make a nice grouping when finished, with good energy and good thoughts represented in them as well.

The next one up is this one

Picked mainly for the name, as I think all of these are nice. I can always use some peace! Seems like a good thought to focus on for a while.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Shirt Challenge 2 - update!

Despite - or perhaps to help alleviate - feeling stressed and behind at work, I did the last bits of sewing on the two shirts I was sewing on last weekend. I'm pleased with the fit on Raine's after I did the modifications. She would still like a little less neck opening, but she has some camisoles she could wear underneath for added coverage. She and I will discuss if further modifications need to be made. Mine is more fitted than I usually make, but not in - I think - a bad way.

all in black & white
Anyway, my hubby helped out with the camera, and I thought this was a cute photo of us. She is less than 2 inches shorter than I am... and this photo shows it.

Fun shirts for both of us! AND I'm ready to work on a different one next weekend. Finally a challenge that is going my way!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shirt Challenge 2

I was kind of slow when it came to getting started on my shirt challenge this weekend. My excuse? School started. The official school (not just work) with students and everything. I enjoyed meeting my new students, and I feel like this should be an AWESOME semester. Still, it is - you know - work.

But I did get started, and this is what I was working with this weekend.
What's that?!? STAR TREK fabric!!!! Woot!
Oh, yes, I did! Remember when I said I was going to make clothes that make me happy? Well, Star Trek makes me HAPPY!!!

I started off with a plan to make a camp shirt, and then decided instead to use this pattern, because I like it, and no buttons means no buttonholes to make. Also no facings down the front of the shirt. Plus, I really like this pattern.
Yes, the top that is circled - and the model is modeling.
Since I was going to be sewing with white thread, and I had a top waiting to sew for Raine that wanted white thread, I worked on both. Since I cut Raine's top out while I was having sizing issues, I also adjusted it so it wouldn't be HUGE on her. (good mom) The upshot is, I didn't get finished with them.
Ready to finish, kitties & Enterprises
I got pretty far, though. All that is left is sewing in the sleeves (both sleeves on both shirts are pinned in) and the hems. Not bad, really. I count it as challenge met since it is two shirts, and I would have finished just one, AND I'll be able to finish them easily.

I'm gonna have a Star Trek shirt....(yes, I'm gloating, judge all you want)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Style or No Style

I got to thinking, late last night, that I should do a weekly post about wearing the clothes I make. It sounds well and good, but the reality set in, and there are some issues. Not sure I can get around them all.

First, there are all those photos to be taken. Not that I'm camera shy, but really? multiple photos every day (ok, maybe I don't wear something I've made EVERY day...)? of me? Yeah I don't know that I can face that much of myself. I'm not the cute Marisa of New Dress a DayNor am I the adorable Suzannah of Advetures in Drssmaking. They make this stuff look good! I'm more...ordinary. And round. And mature. So I'm not sure I want to face myself and judge what I'm wearing and how I'm wearing it every day.

Next, there is that whole "style" issue. I'm glad to share what I put together to wear, and show my audience, however small, how I do it. IF they want to know. I certainly don't think people really want to dress the way I do. I have a "it makes me happy" idea about it, but what makes ME happy may not float the next person's boat at all. I'm certainly not going to show off my huge and amazing collection of designer accessories because frankly I don't have it. Don't want it. Don't care. I'm not going to name drop the designers that I collect. And have I mentioned that there are days when I feel like all my taste is in my mouth? need for sharing that.

So, even with all that, what about us ordinary people, who don't care if we have the latest Coach bag? I think it IS an interesting topic, and something that would do me good - as a craftsperson - to think about and learn more of. That way, even though I don't care whether I follow the latest fashion trend, at least I could thoughtfully work on tastefulness. To put things together with intent.

I could probably work on putting things together on hangars, with accessories, or as outfits (I mostly make separates, and pair them with different pieces at different times.) if I've made both pieces. I could blog about them about once a week or so & see what works, and what is iffy, and maybe even get suggestions from the audience on occasion. Heck it might even get me to iron a little more often. There's a plus right there...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Challenge Given, and Revision

So my challenge for a shirt a week is all ready off track. I think I need some revision to my time schedule, and think about every OTHER weekend. I love sewing, and I really want this challenge, but I also think my family is important, and this weekend was definitely family time. Lovely family time. Well, except for staying up past 3 AM thanks to a noisy party next door. Sigh.

So, in place of shirt photos...

Half square triangle experiment!
Here is how my HST block turned out as a mug rug.  Yes.  I still need to work on my HST self challenge some more, too. I ironed up some squares, and now I need to build my block. The one that looks like this:
better luck this time...
Note to self: take the picture to the sewing machine with you.

Oh, I have my elephant skirt all queued up to wear tomorrow, paired with the khaki skirt I made. Woot!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy Shirts Self Challenge

School starts next week. At least for us teachers. The kids get another week, and then it is back to school for them, too. So, I've been thinking about my work wardrobe, and what I should add to it this year. I've thought about style, and a little bit about fashion, and mostly about fun. Happy clothes make me happy. I might as well just go there. Happy clothes make me happy. Happy fabrics help make happy clothes, and I feel happy wearing them.

All this past summer, I've sewn for other people. Mostly my daughter, but also my niece. A few times, I've been out to my cousin Roxanne's house to sew, but she is not in good health right now, so it is a challenge for her. I've worked on a few things for her, but mostly, we've just visited. I've also helped out with my local SCA group, sewing this and that (or other crafts) . Not so much for me.

Now, that doesn't mean that i haven't had projects in the wings. I've collected some fun fabrics. A few days ago, I got out my basket, and went through some. I found six pieces, and I matched six patterns to them. Then, I challenged myself to make a shirt each week for the beginning of school.

My first fabric has a parade of elephants on it. I love it! It is fun without being too bright or loud, and even with elephants on it, it has a certain decorum.
March of the elephants!
I picked out a pattern, and then I started second guessing myself. I'm not a small person (only short). Would wearing this fabric turn me into "the elephant lady?" Wow. That nearly stopped me right there. I looked at how much fabric I had and thought very seriously about making it into a skirt. It seemed to me the elephants would not be so focal if it was a skirt. Ultimately, though, I decided I would get more use and wear from a top than a skirt, although it would make a really cute skirt. So, shirt it is.
The notch neck version, with sleeves added.
I've had this pattern for a long time, but evidently, had never used it. I like a tunic-y top, and I like that notched neckline. Of course I added sleeves, which were included in another view. Easy peasy. I measured and pinned and cut out. Evidently that bike riding is doing SOME good, as it was a smaller size than I thought it would be. In my usual sewing mode, I would then go to the next fabric and pattern, and cut things out until I had a pile. Today, I wanted a finished top, so I took it to the sewing machines.

The facing of this top is narrower than similar tops I've made. I decided to topstitch near the neck, and also and the edge of the facing. Then, I made another line of stitching in between. Sort of a quilted idea. That facing is not. going. anywhere. Actually, I might decide I really like that narrower band. I wasn't thrilled with the point on the notch. This is nothing new, and maybe something I could search for a tutorial on or something. Anyway, I've certainly made worse, and not often made better, so it will do.

I really liked the sleeve for the top, not too long, or bulky or poofed or anything. I made vents on the sides. I've recently taken to finishing what will be the edges of the vents with bias tape before I sew the side seams together. I think I like the way that looks, and the neatness of that edge. I'll see how I like it when I wear it, now, too.

When I tried on my finished top, I was very pleased with the shape and the fit. The neckline was more open than I usually wear, while still covering everything, and the shoulders fit very well. I lengthened it a little bit, because I like that longer length, even though the picture on the pattern shows the top to be fairly long. Still, I some, but not a lot. This may be my new favorite pattern, actually!

Yeah, I hate these mirror shots.
So here, you can almost see what it looks like and how it fits. I paired it with black capris today, and didn't even worry about jewelry or anything else for my fancy photo shoot. OF COURSE no one was home to take my picture... how else to you think I could have finished it in one day?!? Still, I don't think the elephants are overpowering, and I really liked how it fit. Looking forward to wearing it to school!