Saturday, November 14, 2020

Social Distance/Pandemic 49

 November 14, Saturday

The pandemic has been taking an upswing, and the governor of NM ordered Shelter in Place again, for the next 2 weeks. Mostly, I'm sure, to discourage large Thanksgiving gatherings. I get that. I really do. I know there are people who will ignore the guidelines, but the hospitals are getting to the point of being overwhelmed.  

We had planned a get-together. Damon is almost done with his kitchen remodel, and wanted to christen it with a Thanksgiving get together. I was looking forward to it, as were others in our smallish group. I think it is going to have to be a raincheck at this point, however. We can celebrate everyone being able to stay healthy.

I personally have plans for sewing. There are Christmas gifts I want to work on and get into the mail. I might even get my Christmas cards ready to send out. (WHAT? So early??) I made a quick trip to Joann's before the shelter in place to pick up supplies for Ron a flannel nightshirt/warm lounge-y layer. I was definitely masked appropriately and socially distant from other customers.

The trip through Albertson's was more crowded, but I wanted to get a few things before the shelves were picked over too badly. Picked up Brats and sauerkraut while I was there, and put them in the crockpot with a couple of old apples that I peeled & sliced, half an onion, potatoes and carrots. YUM.

As usual, I've been taking my walks around the neighborhood, and looking for nature. I walked past a roadrunner sitting on a fence. I stopped and took a picture, trying not to scare it off, but I was within 8-10 feet of it just sitting there, giving me looks. The homeowner drove up while I was taking pictures and said it had been hanging out for a few days. He wondered if it was after his pecans. I wonder if it was after something that was after his pecans...

When a roadrunner isn't running...

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