Saturday, December 5, 2020

Social Distancing/Pandemic #50

 Saturday, December 5, 2020

So, here we are in December. There are 2 more weeks of school in this semester, and it seems to be going so quickly. Take a deep breath!

We had a lovely, quiet, private Thanksgiving, I did the cooking, and we timed dinner so that we could eat together when Ron got home. I made 3 pies (yes, for 3 people), turkey with stuffing (because _I_ like it), mashed potatoes, and green beans. It wasn't a large turkey, but with only 3 of us, we have also had turkey corn chowder made by Ron, and turkey noodle soup, made by me. The pies were a hit, especially the cherry pie, which turned out particularly good, if I say so myself, but I didn't have to. It disappeared first.

The Christmas tree is up, and decorated. I would have loved to add the novelty lights I had collected over the years to the pre-lit tree this year, but last year, after years of not bothering to add them, we tested them to see if they still worked and ended up tossing the lot. Sadly. Particularly sadly because I would really have enjoyed them this year. Sigh. But the tree is lovely, as they are. We included the old decorations that I have kept from my parents, who are gone. It felt nice to put them on the tree this year.

Side view, lots of white and red this year.

I also uncovered a quilted wall hanging that my mom and I had worked on the blocks for. I think it was my first attempt at quilt block building, and today when I looked at it, I could tell. But it also reminded me of us working on it and planning it. We made one for me, one for her, and one for a cousin. It had been packed away for a while, with some Christmas fabrics that I had basically forgotten about, so it was definitely a win for me today. Now to figure out where and how to get the wall hanging up for the season.

Our idea for it was going through the snowy forest
to the Christmas house mine is sketchy on the snowy part.

I have to admit to enjoying a little nostalgia this year. Remembering the past, on the way to the future, really.

I got Christmas cards ready and in the mail during the Thanksgiving break. I also got a nightshirt/robe sewn up for Ron. It was our anniversary during that week: 20 years. Parts have flown by, and other parts, not so much, as I'm sure with most couples. For the most part, I believe we are happy with each other, and pretty well suited to the other.