Sunday, March 22, 2020

Social Distancing Part 7

Sunday, March 22

Virtual socializing is a thing. I did a Google Duo session with a friend today. (I think I called the ap Google Dual, but I think Duo is correct) People it doesn't even have to be a long chat, but it was cheery! My brother, his wife, another friend and I have plans to play Ticket to Ride, and maybe Carcassonne online through steam. Both are table top games, but we should be able to play remotely with the Steam versions. Know what else? The online version takes no set up or clean up. House rules are out, as well, but neither of these games really needs them, and neither takes that long to play.

I finished the first shirt I was working on for my brother. Say, "Hi, Carl!"

For when he isn't working from home...
 You can't really see them well, but I used metal buttons on this this shirt, and they look great with the dark grey fabric. Now, I can work on his presents for THIS year's birthday, LOL. Looking forward to more sewing this week, for sure.

Time for some cleaning, too. I keep saying that, and I keep putting it off, or doing some very minor stuff...well, or the day-to-day stuff. But while cleaning isn't my favorite activity, the way I feel when I'm done is some good positive feedback, and stress reduction. So, it's time.

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