Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Social Distancing Part 18

April 14th - Tuesday

Here are some of my realizations about Social Distancing, and this time.

I filled up with gas right about the time we began social distancing. It's been 4 weeks, I still have over half a tank of gas in my car. Even though I feel like I'm getting out and about more than I should, evidently I'm not getting out that much.

If I were home more, I would be baking WAAyyyy more than I should. I keep thinking about starting some sourdough. MMMmmmm sourdough bread. But I would need to bake bread about twice a week to keep it going, and I definitely don't need to eat two loaves of bread every week. Yes, I know, in theory my family could be eating that much bread. But they don't. It would be me.

I have and will make masks for people to wear. I will do the best job on them I can. Masks make me claustrophobic. I wore one into Walgreens. Spent about 5 minutes in there, and was on my way to a panic attack by the time I got back out to my car. Felt like I wasn't getting enough air the whole time.

Watching people not do a very good job of social distancing in a store makes me try to do a better job of social distancing in a store. ALSO, picking over fresh produce in the store has gotten much quicker. I don't want the produce you've handled, so I pretty much go by touch it, take it. Even with the ears of corn we had for Easter dinner. Didn't peel back the fronds to take a look before I put them in a plastic bag (which I had a hard time getting open without licking my fingers to open them). They were lovely and delicious, by the way, those ears of corn. I did, however wash the cucumbers I got with warm, soapy water when I got home. Did you see those people in that aisle???

I don't know whether I'm procrastinating doing housework by doing school work, or procrastinating school work by doing housework.

I'm very glad that I have been able to resume my walking regimen. The walk is good for my body, and my soul. I rarely miss a day, although I did miss Monday. I'm working on making it a walk in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening. I know that will help keep the swelling I tend to get in my ankles under control.

It kind of freaks me out to realize that this is Part 18 of this journal, and I'm not writing every day, and we're nowhere near the end.

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