I know that reading professionally can help keep one up on the latest techniques and theories. I do it when I can, and when in search of something that I feel my students use.
This summer, my friend Cindy cleared out some of her sewing magazines, and gave them to me to take to GHS to give to the sewing teacher there. While they are awaiting transportation, I've been looking through back copies of Threads Magazine. This is a magazine about sewing techniques, fashion techniques, quilting techniques, and evening knitting and beading techniques. Yeah, I bet you get the idea.
Most of the time - and one of the reasons I had never bothered to subscribe to Threads - I really could skim through it without reading many of the articles. Mostly they didn't apply to what I needed, or were beyond my useful skill knowledge. Now, however, with a year of sewing with Roxanne behind me - a year of sewing on an almost weekly basis - I have found some meaningful and useful information in several issues. For instance, last year, I did applique on a couple of garments, a denim jumper for Roxanne, and Raine's bionicle Halloween costume. In the first issue I looked at, there was an article by someone who designed appliqued garments, and appliqued the professional designer garments. The techniques that were written about meant something to me because of the experience I had. Where once I really had not been a fan of doing applique (but an admirer of the work of others), I feel the possibilities are opening up, and the creative juices are flowing.
There are also articles that I look at and realize I'm not quite ready for yet... a lot of the pattern modification, for instance. I'm getting there... I recognize what they are trying to do, but my brain and creativity aren't ready to get wrapped around it yet. On the other hand, I have asked Vic to include me in on some of her next projects to be created by draping. When I have done that, a little more, I'll feel more ready to cut up a pattern more drastically. When I get there, I bet I'll have a blast with it.
In the meantime, I think I will create a reference library of articles for myself, so that I can look back as I try out some of these new-to-me techniques, and advancements on my knowledge.
How very cool that you've found things you can use. And a reference library is always a good thing!