Monday, April 5, 2010

Accepting the Challenge

After quite a while of poo-pooing the show, even though a good friend of mine repeatedly told me I would like it, I finally got hooked on Project Runway. I have enjoyed seeing how each of the designers meets the weekly challenges, and have thoughtfully considered what I would have come up with. Like Wheel of Fortune, I'm sure thinking without time limits or the pressure that comes from being in a competition, AND on television gives me a certain advantage. Of course, as I've mentioned before, I'm sure that all involved with that program would consider me highly style-impaired.

Still, I was offered a challenge, and I've taken up the gauntlet. Last week, when Raine and I were shopping we looked around to see if they had a dressy top that she liked. Now, understand that Raine does not wear dresses, or pink, or anything too "girly." My tomboy has definite ideas of style and fashion. I'm fine with that, but she does need something to wear on those "dress-up" occasions. She said, "Why don't YOU make it, Mom?" I said, "yeah, yeah," like one does and we went on from there. Then, yesterday, it came back to me. Why DON'T I make it? I accepted the challenge.

Today, Ron and I went shopping, including to Jo-Ann's and the Asian influenced brocades were on sale. Yay! I picked out two. One that was a black background that has a red flower, and some black textural designs, and one that is a red background, with black flowers in it. I've already passed the first test. I showed Raine the fabrics, and she liked them. Tomorrow, Dev and I are going to look through the patterns that she has, and that I have to see what combination we will use for her new dressy top. The next time she sees it, it will be clothes. Then, the true test.

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