August 17, Monday
First Monday back to school. I overslept, but not fatefully. Then I worked, and worked, and worked in Canvas. My learning curve was steep. I got some things graded today, in Canvas - my students had been sending me e-mails, and will continue, as that was the assignment - but I FOUND them in Canvas, and graded, and gave points - and other feedback - as appropriate. I will get more done tomorrow with that, I'm sure.
I actually got a video made in Canvas studio last night. It only took me reading the whole thing 5 times over 3 days, and realizing I wasn't recording, or wasn't logged in, or some other disaster to get it right (a very loose definition of "right" here). Today, I actually got it posted into at least one class (5 more to go). Another goal for tomorrow. Then, there's reading the next chapter. The book I'm recording myself reading is Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
All this camera time is new to me, and I'm not used to looking at myself like that while I'm talking, and it's a little disconcerting. My make-up department is definitely lacking. I'll probably fire the lot. I made the first of my instructional videos. Not sure I'm satisfied with it, so I will probably end up recording a zoom meeting this week. Sigh. I should probably attempt one on Thursday and another on Friday, in case there's a record button or something else I miss. There's another one to make, and lots of adding into the modules to be done, to be done... (why do I feel like breaking into Gilbert and Sullivan?) ... a teacher's life is not an easy one.
Second meeting with today's classes, and the meetings were short and sweet check-ins. Questions asked and answered. Thanks for them catching problems/mistakes that I didn't. And not as much stress - at least for me - as the meetings last week. Of course I need to get ready for the instructional meetings for this week, and I'm working on it! I'm working on it! Our Monday/Tuesday zoom meetings can be drop in office hours for students to come in as needed. I may be the one who needs them to drop in. They were good for my heart today.
Tomorrow's learning curve will be about collaborations in zoom. So I can get it set up, and use it Thursday and Friday. It's nice to be able to take a break and get something done in the house, but, it's hard to feel like you leave work.