Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Shirt Challenge #4 finally!

It took me a while - too long, actually - to finish the fourth shirt. I figured out something, though. My sewing area was uncomfortably chaotic, and that made sewing there not a happy thing. So, before I could finish my shirt, I had to organize, and I did. Well, at least the sewing part of the room. THEN I could finish my shirt! And I did! So happy to have gotten a new camera for Christmas to start taking pictures again! YAY!

green paisleys on green camp shirt
No, I'm not wearing it in this photo, it is - however - hanging on the newly organized shelving. I'll put together an outfit for the first week back to school, though!

I started with a camp shirt pattern that I have had forever it seems. I have made shirts from this pattern for me, for my brother, for my dad, and I don't even know how many times I've used it. Of course I don't have a photo of the pattern, but I will, tomorrow. But for now, I'm happy to have another shirt that will make me happy to wear.

I think I still have a couple pieces of fabric in that basket still, and I would love to get another shirt in the challenge completed before school starts again. At least cut out, would be a start.

I have some other sewing goals for the coming year. I want to learn more about my serger, and how to do more with it. I would love to make an outfit from some lightweight knit that I picked up, but I've been stretching out all the knits I've tried so far. I know that it is a matter of adjustments. I signed up for a Craftsy class, and have looked at the first couple lessons so far. Part of the class is to make a stitch book, and I think that will be a really good exercise for me. One of my friends also gave me a book on serger sewing that I think will be helpful as well. I also want to work on some steampunk clothing for Wild Wild West Con, that will take place March at Old Tucson. We have had a really good time at the two previous ones, and I'm looking forward to this one as well!

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