Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Challenge Myself - to half-square triangles!

This blog post was the last straw for me. In a good way, in a good way. Sarah at Habibti at Home blogged about making half- square triangle blocks by sewing two squares together around the outside edge, and then cutting them apart corner to corner in an "X". OK, I said to myself, that's it. I have to do something with half-square triangles!

But what? Well, I know I have seen so many beautiful things done with them in the various blogs that I love to peruse. Should I search those blogs? Should I go look in pinterest? Run to the fabric store for a new book or magazine? Wait! I HAVE quilting books. My Mom left them to me. So, I pulled this one off the shelf...

Thanks, Mom!
And I found this inside...

shouldn't be beyond my skills...
I don't remember seeing anything like it recently, and I thought it looked interesting on it's own, and that several blocks put togther should also be interesting.

The next step is fabric... what should I use? Then a bag of hand me overs (a friend of mine passed some piecing to me that her uncle sent to her after picking it up who knows where) caught my eye in my craft room. Hmmmm, I thought, I KNOW there are half square triangles in there. It isn't filling the challenge of creating them though, I countered myself. BUT, I responded, it IS using up what is already here, and it IS practicing making the block(s). Practice on them, and then see how that goes, then work on cutting and the rest. Well, I just had to agree with that, and I pulled out the bag, and found some cute little squares.

two inch squares

I picked some that were pink and yellow, and I also found some blue and yellow, green and yellow, and - I think - blue and green ones that I thought would work together. I ironed and trimmed the pink and yellow ones and then cut some solid yellow for the longer strips. Now for the sewing and the first block!

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