I know, a month almost, without posting here, and then two in a row. I think that shows (maybe) that it hasn't been a creatively dry summer for me. I've just had trouble sharing. Or something. (maybe a couple of weeks of vacation in there helps explain SOME of the dry spell.
Well, I know my obsession to make this summer has been tote bags. There are just so many posts I can write on them, though. Right? Well, maybe.
Earlier this summer I entered a give-away on one of the blogs I follow, and I won! Woot! I got a nice set of plastic triangular rulers to use as patterns when cutting fabric for quilts, etc.
Awesome prize! |
I've been feeling like I should make a quilt and then donate it, and these would be perfect to make strips of triangles. I could alternate pieced and unpieced strips to make a quilt pretty quickly, and donate to the local Child Crisis Center. Summer is quickly drawing to a close, however, and this is a project I haven't started yet, however.
I got a brain storm yesterday, though. I wondered if the triangles would match up and "circle" up. I waded into my stash and came up with this.
Septagon! |
If you look closely, you will notice that the blue piece is two half triangle pieces... so how cool is that? OK, so my points aren't perfectly matched. This is my first effort with these rulers, and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I am thinking that maybe four solid and three print pieces might balance better... but then maybe not.
Now the question is, what to do with this? My inspiration told me to off center the point and cut a square, then put a border around that. I could picture a small quilt with those type of blocks being kind of cool. Or maybe altogether too fussy. Not sure which. Going to look at the square idea this week and decide whether to try it or just applique this onto the side of a tote bag.