Last spring, when Roxanne and I were contemplating our summer list of projects, she said she would like to sew a few things for her 2 year old grandson, who she is helping to raise. She and I got to thinking about that, and realized that her two nieces also had little boys who needed some summer clothes. In all there were 5 boys, age 5 and under needing play clothes to run around in for the summer, and 3 "Moms" who didn't need to spend a lot of money on those clothes.
Out came the ideas, and the scraps and odds-n-ends of fabric. All told, we made about 20 pair of shorts, and around 15 shirts. One idea we had was to take the ends of pant legs, cut off of Carl's bought pants before they were hemmed, and use those to make shorts. It worked really well, but they were kind of short, so we sewed a band of another fabric to the bottom, to lengthen them. We made a couple of pair in brown twill, with bands of a heavy, off-white calcutta cloth. We did another couple out of denim. Those shorts turned out to be really cute.
Another find was about a yard of this spidery fabric. One of Raine's first favorite things was spiders. She moved on when she was about 5, but the fabric was still sitting in my stash. It made two, cute and simple sleeveless button up shirts. I edged the armholes and neck with different colors of bias tape, to make the shirts different from each other. What? You noticed that one of the shirts has the bias tape on the outside? Yeah, well sometimes things get backwards and/or upside down. In this case, I thought it looked cute, and I left it. Found buttons from my stash, and went to town.
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