Man, if I didn't just almost type 2014.
So I thought I would catch up a little on 2023 crafting. I've already started some 2024 crafting, so hopefully I will blog a few more times than last year.
The birds. I did post about them to start with. I had such a great time crocheting small birds (and bats) last year. My sister-in-law got a dozen for her birthday in November, and I just had to thank her for unknowingly giving me such joy making these little birds. Of course I made more than just the dozen she got. I can't even tell you for sure how many I DID make. Enough chickens to enter a flock into the fair.
Naomi's bird tree |
Flock of chickens at the fair. One of my friends got most of these guys to put on her Christmas tree. |
Enough to give a couple dozen more out as Christmas Ornaments.
Bats for the Christmas tree! |
Enough to gift them to people all around me.
ostrich - YES! |
flamingo - OMG the cuteness! |
emu - fuzzy! |
Enough to start making up some...
I didn't like the black bird in the book, so I made my own, in velvet yarn. |
Fox bat - for Ron of course |
Turned a peacock into a phoenix. |
What would you call a flamingo bat??? |
On to other projects... I did some sewing, of course. Made some shirts for Raine, and some flannel pants. Some baby blankets, and some fleecy ones. Made LOTS of kid's clothes for the summer Charitable Crafting project.
Here are some of the kid's clothes... I made so many, I think I leveled up a bit. |
I was in the mood to dress bunnies this year, and made some new dresses for Ron's mom and sister.
Then his sister couldn't find her bunny, so I made her a new one, and one for her boyfriend. So they could match. You know, like you do... Which meant more outfits. And a new bunny for me, too! I had forgotten how much fun bunnies were to make and sew for!
Butterfly Princess Bunny |
Easter Outfit (with baby chick) |
Matching bunnies with matching outfits. |
Matching in October! |
An autumn dress and bunny for me to keep |
An autumn dress for Linda's bunny |
Festive 4th of July outfits |
And then, my friend Cheryl found some super cute crochet patterns online, and sent some to me to try out. Oh. My. Goodness. Of course I had to try them out! There are evidently many patterns in this collection, which were made by a mom, for her son. It is a collection online called Son's Popkes. Here are some I made:
First up, a fox. I did the first one for Ron, as practice |
The second one went to Cheryl |
Bumble bee |
A striped kitty. I have another kitty pattern to do, still. |
Then, I finally finished the cross stitch project I had been working on for about 3 years. The Last Supper. It was 18 pages of pattern. I got done it time to enter it into the fair this past fall, then Carl got it. (He requested it, that's why.)
The Last Supper, with the Best of Show Ribbon. |
Last, project for the year, but not least, was inspired by a book that I have enjoyed making several dolls from.
This pattern book has some very cute dolls and outfits in it! |
A bear suit! |
I didn't have enough of any one yarn to make the suit, but wanted to practice it and see how it worked, so this happened...
Almost but not really a bear suit. With a doll inside. |
Well, I wasn't sure how the doll would get into and out of the suit as one piece, so I decided to make the suit the doll's body, which worked out for my purposes, but I did (finally) get that the suit would open up the front to dress/undress the doll. I made it for one of Ron's presents, so, as you may have guessed, I changed the bear to a fox.
Fox Boy! |
I enjoyed doing a lot of making this past year. I only wish I had kept up with posting about it! Hopefully this year, I'll do better! If I have a New Year's Resolution, that would be it.