I went a little mug rug crazy for Christmas this year. I've been seeing them on creative blogs and I just needed to make some... and then give them to people.
disappearing nine patch mug rugs |
One of the nice things about making mug rugs, is that since they are small, you can FINISH them! Yay. I got to practice quilting techniques in a manageable, and fun way. Pattern picking, cutting, piecing, sewing, cutting and piecing some more, machine quilting and binding.
snowflake mug rugs |
Plus, I even practiced making bias tape to go with some of them, and I know I'll be making and using my own bias tape in the future as well. My cousin got some as a gift, as well, and we will use it one of these sewing Sundays, I know we will!
crazy mug rugs |
Now, if I can just get the hang of adding photos again... (took some major experimentation to get these in...)