Next month, Ron and I will be attending a Steampunk convention in Arizona. It will be held at Old Tucson, and I think that is pretty much a perfect venue. There are many interesting sounding events, and we think it is going to be fun. So, now, to get ready, I'm creating my Steampunk garb.
The idea of garb creation is not new to me, having been a long-time SCA participant, but the styles for Steampunk are not recreated from the middle ages. More like, the American Civil War, but not. I've thought about possibilities long and hard, trying to find something that would fit me. Not only physically fit me, but also fit _me_. So, trollop, as ubiquitous as that may be in Steampunk, is out. I am so NOT that - and the thought of that outfit with me in it? Well, I wouldn't want to go there, or see anyone equivalent, either. What else, then? I looked around for inspiriation, and finally got some... overalls, with a loose shirt underneath.
So, today, I'm talking about repurposing a pattern, instead of some fabric. I looked through my patterns to see what I could use to make overalls. This one, from the '70's seemed to fit the bill. I found some dark green denim to make them out of, and last weekend, during the weather, I cut them out. I cut a simple square for a bib (OK, actually two, one to line the other) and strips for the shoulders. I think I will finish the top edge all the way around with a waistband type piece that will incorporate the bib and the back of the shoulder straps. Then, I'll fold over a bit of the waistband on each side and put a buttonhole in. Then, I got an inspiration to use a combination of washer and nut to make my buttons. I'm pretty proud of that one, as I think it will be very Steampunkish.
I also have pockets! See how nice they look? Ooooo pockets.... I'll update you when they are done, and let you know how they turn out!