Thursday, February 13, 2025

My Happy Sewing Place

 I've been organizing my craft/sewing room. I've talked about that in previous posts, and I've gotten a lot done. Organizing and labeling and finding long forgotten projects. Some of those found projects have gone the way of whatever, and I've tossed them in favor of projects that I know what the heck I was trying to achieve. If I go back to one of those projects, it will be because I'm ready to start it fresh. 

It will come to no surprise to anyone that organizing can be a messy process. You have to sort and make piles (at least I do) and find places to put those piles, and then find places to put those piles away. With a label on them this time. So, there was not much sewing getting done in there while there were piles, and boxes, and containers of various sizes, sitting around waiting for their places.

I have had creative outlets, like sewing with my cousin, or at Cruces Creatives. If have been crocheting stacking ring toys, and have one in process ( an Easter sheep, in fact). But there came a point where I really needed to spend some time at my sewing machines. I mean, through the organization process, I looked through all the projects that have been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for my attention.

I got enough stuff put away to clear off my sewing table. It's an old library table that I love. It came from my mom, who also used it for a sewing table, alternating as a desk when she was typing something.

This is my happy sewing place

And I got to sewing. I did some alterations for Ron. I started a kid shirt for donation at some point and place. But wait! I plugged in my iron and the "on" light lit, but it didn't get hot. Bummer! I moved on a bit, but I really do like ironing as I sew. I have learned through trial and error that it makes a big difference. Sigh. So I put that project to the side. Then, I fretted about the iron, and getting a new one, and where, and when and a bunch of other frets. I even have projects that would not need the iron, but still, it just was an anxiety producing issue.

Now here's the place where I was going to go into all the anxieties that I'm worried about currently. There are some. I've rehearsed in my mind what I would say about them. But now, while I'm typing, I feel like I won't. There are anxieties. I feel them. I worry. Like almost everyone. Let me just say that the iron thing was the last straw. It was, however, a straw that I could do something about. Yes, I have a new iron. And I'm not even going to post a picture of it here. It is a very nice iron, as far as I can tell having used it a little now. I hope it will last as long as the other one did (20+ years or so?).

My friend, Lillian, helped me shop for it, and we brought it home and then worked on a jacket for her. One that we had cut out a while back. It is a fleecy, soft fabric, and an iron will do that fabric no good. No good at all. But HAVING the iron helped with the sewing mentality. So we worked on it a bit.

Then, I pulled out the shirt that I started the day the iron failed. 

Cute glitter splash fabric

Cute glitter splash kid's button down

All that is left to do on this shirt, is to attach the sleeves, and do the button holes and buttons. I'll get to look through my button stash cube to find the perfect ones!

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