Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Process of Creating

Part of what I would like to explore, recording my crafting experiences is following projects from start to finish. Where do the ideas come from? How do I decide what I'm going to make and how I'm going to make it? What am I going to learn through this experience? Exploring process.

Often, one project will feed of another, like all the little birds I made. This time, I'm really enjoying making some crocheted ring stacking toys. If you are interested in making some, or just looking at the patterns this maker created, look at . I do have one that I finished today. It is the second snowman I made. I liked it so much I wanted one to keep.

This smirking snowman

So, I made this snowman from acrylic yarn, pretty common for me. It is affordable and easy to find. As I looked at the pattern of the sheep, I noticed that the pattern suggested using cotton yard. First of all, I bet you want to see what I'm thinking about.

Doesn't this look like fun?

So I decided that I'm going to try that cotton yarn. I have some left over from making the birds that I mentioned before. I looked through my stash. (I love having a stash, by the way - If I can find the elements for my project in my stash, I count it as a win for me!) Anyway, the pattern calls for a selection of tans/browns. I was surprised it wasn't white, but then I thought the browns would create more interest, so, I looked to see what I have. 

My sheepy palette

If this one works, and I like it enough to make another one, I'll probably try my hand at a selection of grays. So tomorrow, (because I need fresh eyes, and fresh brain, and sunlight) I'll pick out some of these, and a crochet hook  (I may - or may not - want a smaller one than I was using with the acrylic yarn) and try my hand at a sheepy ring or two. It is smaller yarn than I was using, but the pattern suggests using smaller yarn if you want a smaller stacking ring toy, so that is another interesting thing to find out.

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