Yesterday, at our weekly Arts & Sciences SCA meeting, we did our second make and take project. This time, we made soap. It was a much easier process than I thought it might be, although anything you have to be so precise with - and you do need to be precise with the water/lye/fat ratio - is probably not something I am going to tackle solo very often. (also the reason for some of the cooking I don't do...)
I don't have in-process photos this time. I was busy making! I do have some pics of what I got to bring home though.
Lightly coconut scented. Can you smell it from there? |
We used egg cartons and poure on top of plastic wrap to make small sized pieces to experiment with. I added a couple drops of coconut scent to the base. We used coconut oil for our fat component. Yes, I will have to trim these up a little to make them more presentable. but I'm pretty happy with them, especially for a first try.
I also used a small carton for a mold, and just made plain, unscented soap.
carton of soap |
This will have to cure for several weeks. I never knew that soap needed to cure. I hope I can cut bars reletively neatly as I would like to donate some of this for largesse. I'm also looking forward to trying some out!
Our next make and take project will be pewter coins/medalions. Sounds like fun, right!
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